Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Boys & Girls Guide to Getting Down - A Necessary Tool for Anyone Living the Nightlife

The notion that education and fun could be properly used in the same sentence has alluded many young people in the past until now. Portrayed entirely in the style of a 60s health ed film, the Guide explains how a night in the lascivious streets of L.A. progresses and explains the ways to easily hooking up with your favorite hottie by the crack of dawn. To achieve comedic relief, the Guide exaggerates all the quirky stereotypes hipsters can fall in to and keeps getting weirder and weirder as the  night goes on.

The only downside is, being full length, the Guide cannot really hold its own for the time allotted. Once the audience gets over the fact that there is a man looking like run DMC, trashy hookers, and line-blowing, self absorbed, billionaires, the movie has nothing left to offer. A few side bits of information are quick fun facts but overall the film lacks an overall climax. The Guide to Getting Down though, at the end of the day, is what the title of the movie claims it to be and excels in every aspect it hopes to accomplish. And if you're needing something to do on an afternoon that leads into hopefully a great night like the one in the film, this would be perfect since it would teach you all the things to avoid before going out. Don't let the same mistakes that plague the individuals in this film ruin your fun tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Showing the pros and cons of this is a great angle to go at. Letting the reader know that they might get bored with the time that is allotted.
